Hey Kingsnake, I have that same outfit...8^)
Mojostick - Never really built a blind, but sometimes stack brush depending on the location, but mainly get in amongst brush or downed trees and/or logs or in open areas just snugging up against bigger trees along hedgerows. Out in the middle of cut cornfields, we've actually laid down flat before in all white camo...8^) Just like whitetails, the key is movement and trying to keep still while breaking up the human outline and white on white seemed to work best in snow but never heard of the silver thing before, but will definitely give it a try… Thanx much for the tip!
Once took a friend in late winter without snow in which he was pretty well camo-ed out except he wore a cap (can't remember the color) but it had a big white name/logo patch on the front. Anyhow, crows kept flaring way out of range and he couldn't understand why they were flaring on him and not me. Finally after convincing him to remove his hat he believed...8^)
If you can fool a crow, you can fool a deer...8^)