I posted this is the Bowyers Bench originally but I figured I'd post it here as the PowWow gets alot more traffic.
OK everyone I hope this is the right place to post this, if not Mods, please let me know.
Here's what I've got. It's an Excel Spreadsheet which will allow you to predict the FOC of a wood arrow after tapering the nock, point or both.
It allows you to input the arrow shaft diameter, the point size, and nock size (ex. 5/16), the desired arrow shaft length, point/broadhead weight.
Then input the starting weight of the arrow shaft before tapering, and the starting arrow shaft length. (i.e. 500grains and 32").
The spreadsheet will calculate(technically predict) the arrow weight, and FOC for several standard configurations (i.e. 10" barrel taper, 10"nock taper, Breast taper, and full length back taper.
(Warning:These calculation assume 10grains for fletching weight which is in between the actual weight of 3 4" feathers and 3 5" feathers, but the difference is negligable)
The spreadsheet also allows you to predict the outcome of a custom taper using the input fields for "Nock Taper Diameter", "Nock Taper Length", "Point Taper Diameter", "Point Taper Length".
Here is the link to the Spreadsheet
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjnDzfB_4akudGpFTzhXV2RoS0pfTkUyWEU4WnhOaFE#gid=0 Any Questions just Ask. Thanks