As to the slash factor, I will say this. I have killed several truck loads full of deer with 1 9/16" Simmons Interceptors and Landsharks with bleeder blades. Great bloodtrails.
I have killed at least a couple of truck loads with the Treeshark. While the slash factor is higher on the Interceptors/Landsharks with bleeders, the Treesharks consistently produce better bloodtrails, time and again. This has also proved true for a good friend of mine, who has many kills (more than me) with both.
There's a tendency for Treeshark holes, in the skin and flesh, to sag. Most of the wounds I see tend to be shaped like a football, and are large enough to require at least 3 fingers to plug the hole.
I've killed a few animals with the Big Jim head. Matter of fact, I made the first kill in North America with it (A guy killed in Africa with it a couple days before me). Jim handed me a prototype at a tournament and asked me to shoot something with it. It's a good head, but it won't hold a candle to the Treeshark in terms of bloodtrail. The wounds I've seen made by even the largest of 3 blades could be plugged with your thumb.