I loved the mass weight of mine. I shoot most all widows. I got rid of the psa only because I went to the 54"pch. My psa was 60"it was very smooth, so smooth it was too smooth for me. Yes I like a sharper string angle and a little more harsh drawing bow.
I have no pics, but it was a kingwood. All widows that I have owned are louder than just about any other bow on the market. Not much but a little. The one piece widows are silent. From now on other than my turkey bow, I will be going to widow one piece pa, pch etc. My opinion, but I will not be getting rid of my pch 54". They are quiet enough to get the job done, just not as quiet as others. That's probly the best way to put it.
Note: I have shot just about every bow out there and continue coming back to the widows. I love em. I own all widows, and one Morrison at this point.