My son calls me at the office and tells me I got a bow in the mail. I've got nothing ordered I thought...A few minutes later my son called back, by now he has it opened and strung up. My son said it was a beautiful all wood longbow, osage backed with bamboo. The note and address was from a DR. GOOSE. The note said, "This bow will cost you $999.99 and 9.99 for shipping unless you shoot a deer with it and send me a photo...than it's FREE! I only know when guy "goofy" enough to use the name Dr. Goose!
I met Ken Swann on Trad Gang 5 years ago, swapped a few bows here and there and kept in touch, watching each others kids group up from email pictures. He's one of those friends you wished lived closer because he'd make a fantastic hunting buddy.
I'd known Ken was making bows for fun but I never realized he was this good! Here's a few photos of my "kind of free bow". It's 40lbs at my draw and shot a 500 grain arrow 150 fps. What an absolute "sweetheart" and a blast to shoot! son and I can't thank you enough!!!!