I am shooting a Caribow Peregrine, 45lbs@29" (my drawlenght). The bow is a fast hybrid, close to centercut.
I use Goldtip traditional shafts, 1535 (0.600), 30.5 BOP, a 100 grains fieldtip, a 35 grains nock and three 5 inch feathers. I know the FOC is low, but that's what I want for 3D shoots.
Looking at Stu Millers spine calculator, they are spot on and the same dynamic spine as my woodies, which are tuned to perfection.
Only difference is that my woodies are 10 GPP and the GT's 9. Same FOC.
My woodies are flying way better while the arrow-characteristics are the same, except for arrow weight. Am I doing something wrong here, or do just have to get used to carbons and/or lower weight???