I've also noticed low prices on some of the customs as well. It seems this has gotten worse in the past three years.
I've ordered a few customs and waited 3-16 months. I'm currently been on a list for 26 months. I've bought more on the classifieds or LeftiesRUs.
I wouldn't sell one of my bows for half price and don't expect anyone else to sell one to me that low. I've sold off about 7 bows (bought 2 more) in the past 3 months. That sell-off should cost a Moose dearly this coming October!
If I don't think I can get 90-80% of what I paid new, I won't even consider listing it.
I have a file of Left-Eye archers that I have dealt with. We contact each other when we have a bow for sale. Some of us put the other on notice that IF we decide to sell a certain bow that we want dibs. Some of us would rather our bows never see the classifieds. Personally, I'd rather take $50-100 less by selling to a lefty friend in this file than list the bow in the classifieds.
Personally, I've tried a lot of bows the past 4 years. I am finally settling into strong preferences. There are a couple that I haven't tried that I would like to give a whirl, but I'm resisting so far (Eaglewing, Bob Lee, Wallace, Bighorn...sheesh...I'd better be careful!)
I have never been a collector. I've sold some bows I never dreamed I would let go. The good news is, it is much more difficult to make the call to sell than to box one up and send it off once the deal is made.
I'd bet a lot of Trad Gangers have gone through a similar cycle of trying many of the better reputed bows. Some they reject as not for them and others are great but duplicate something else. I sold one very popular brand 3 days after I bought it. Didn't lose a dime. Neither have I ever tried to make money on a bow. I bought a very special bow about a year ago. I know I could have made at least $500 on it. However, that wouldn't have been honest dealing with the fellow I bought it from or to the one I sold it too.
Finally, when other opportunities like dream hunts, hunting leases, etc. come up it is difficult to leave thousands of dollars gathering dust on bow racks.
The administration has nothing to do with my archery. My bows will tell me one thing today and the exact same thing tomorrow. Can't say that about the folks in charge these days, lying has become the new truth.