You're probably thinking this is another post about me asking about the orientation of feathers on an arrow for my shooting, i.e. if I should shoot with Right wing or left wing feathers being that I am a RH shooter...
This is a question about finding turkey feathers and how to determine if they came from a right wing or left wing. I found a turkey feather, beautiful specimen, and I am not certain what wing it came from. I'm sure there's a trick to it, but I am not familiar with feathers and I am interested in building my own arrow shafts from trees around the property (pine and poplar) and using natural turkey feathers I find in the woods to fletch them.
The feather, with the point end facing me and on top of the feather (faded side below) has the small feathers on the right and the majority of the feather on the left. It curves down and turns to the left. I am guessing this is a left wing feather, but I've read different theories.
Here's a picture to help...