Karen Campbell on the little game. New Story headed for TBM, here's a snippet. "We usually hunt bigger beasts in bigger woods, but the challenge of Sciurus makes up for its size. More importantly, squirrels earn a five-star rating for fun in our hunting guidebook. Scampering greys are always in hyper-drive, on permanent community-watch status. They swarm above intruders, screaming Amber-Alerts from behind limbs and branches. It is hard to sneak within range, but their hard-wired "stranger-danger" behavior can be used against them. The plan today is for me to be a straw man of sorts, rolling myself out to attract attention while Karen slips quietly behind me. The plan is for Karen to catch her first grey tail from behind while its front is focused on me. That's the plan ...."
As always, Karen's adventures in the book "Longbow: A Hunting Life" are signed at
www.campbellsquest.com or on Amazon. Thanks! - Jay Campbell