haha ok maybe not DWARF me.. I really appreciated you guys coming out to help with that hog and staying up in the cleaning shack giving me assistance! I got the front shoulders ground up, the back hams vacuumed sealed and ready for a smoker, and about 1/4 of the back strap and tenderloins in the marinade right now for supper tomorrow.
PDK and "big NILLA" are great guys to have in camp and I am very thankfull for the opportunity to hunt with them! We had a great time and any time Pat or Cam need someone to go on a hunt with them I hope they remember the little guy and give me a call!
I remember what I told pat when he drove up. "I think I gut shot one, it was hard to tell because there was a big wad of hogs around the barrel and I just figured I'd let one fly in amongst them and see what happens" I said it with a straight face too!
we were pretty wore out