I know there is alot of different things that attribute to accuracy, like well tuned bow, grip and poundage. So for me I'm going to breakdown what works for me in accuracy w a trad bow.
1. Set hand. Grip is so important as what i call my pressure point, its a line that goes down the apex of thumb and forefinger. If you look... the arrows sets right above the apex, so pushing foward at this point helps align the arrow towards the intended target.
2. Pick spot. Once bow hand is set the raising of bow arm until in alignment w target.
3. Draw while still focused on target, but my conscious effort is thinking solid anchor.
4. Once SOLID anchor is achieved it goes to spot, and the most important key for me a slight hold. This forces the bow arm to set while the apex of bow hand is still pushing.
5. Now the release, the back muscle is pulling as i were going to pull the bow in half. Then the relaxing of the string hand concentrating on hand staying on face with a slight slide back. This keeps the energy in a straight line where as plucking the release can cause side to side energy pushing the bow arm to the side. Remember the bow arm is our guide, no matter where you look the arrow goes where the arm goes.
The final the follow through bow arm staying towards the target till arrow connects...nothing more beautiful than a perfect excuted arrow.
In conclusion it so important that i practice this technique shot to shot because when it comes down to that pressure one shot on an animal muscle memory is what the mind relies to achieve the task. Holding the shot for that instance longer helps me to control the bow and the shot instead af the bow and shot controlling me. When i been off a while and start practicing again i do not worry about accuracy...this is erased from my mind period! The fear of missing can cause some serious issues that i want to nip in the butt right away, but a controlled form is more important.
Also remember...Practice don't make perfect, Perfect practice makes perfect.
Have a Bless day
Hang'em Low