My son Cade and I returned last night from southern Florida after hunting Osceola's, hogs and bowfishing with Jim and Irv at True South Adventures.
Here is a quick recap and a few pics.
On Thursday evening after meeting Jim at the hotel and Irv & his lovely wife at the property. Jim, Cade, and I spooked a red deer hind walking into Cades hog stand. Cade then proceeded to see a big hog from his stand across the fence, but it never came in for an opportunity.
Jim and I saw a hog walking into my evening blind, and a hen while trying to perform a cut off move on the hog.
Jim got charged by an armadillo and had to shoot in self defense. Honestly, he was lucky he did not skewer his foot with his broadhead. Talk about cool under pressure.
Friday morning I called a hen and gobbler in to probably 50 yards. They never came in all the way sticking to the thick woods. The hen was yelping and cutting, putting on a vocal show. I do not know if I blew it, or if I was competing with her and she eventually won the day. In the end she pulled him away. I stayed in the blind until noon and did get some gobbles across the road on an adjoining property while walking out to eat lunch. Jim and I moved a blind and I sat for the afternoon, then switched to hog stand and missed a racoon. We did see two toms while moving around the property in the afternoon.
My son had an uneventful morning, but went to work on the bowfishing and had an absolute blast. This was his first attempt, and did fairly well. One of the above toms was close to his morning blind, so he jumped in hoping to get some afternoon action. He then sat a hog stand that evening. No hogs, but had turkeys fly right over him going to roost.
Saturday morning found me on the outside looking in, heard some gobbles, but nothing doing. I had some decoys set up in a the road hoping a wandering tom would see them and come in. Save for a short lunch break I sat the whole day without any turkey action. At dark I did have a small (40ish pounds) sow come by with her litter. They were small and I just enjoyed the show. I could have shot her, and one of the bigger piglets (15 pounds or so) but was not interested. A bigger pig growled at me as I was leaving. I walked over to the fence hoping to see it with my headlamp, but it took off. Sounded like a much bigger pig than the small sow that was growling previously.
Cade heard some morning turkey talk but nothing came of it. He was on to some middle of the day bowfishing. He then sat for turkeys in the evening and heard some roost.
Sunday morning was perfect weather, the wind and rain showers had left and it was warm. Moved a ground blind in the pre-dawn darkness. The turkeys were really going off. I thought, this is the morning. One gobbler answered me and I thought the game was on. But alas, all I called in was a hen. I was pretty tickled though, as I had to be doing something right.
My son on the other hand, had three gobblers responding. One did come in to about forty yards but caught him shifting in the blind. He ended up spooking before any attempt could be made.
All summed up, we had a great time. Neither of us were ready to leave but our time was up. It was interesting to hunt some new country and hear the Florida country come alive in the morning, go to bed at night. Loved seeing all the new floral and fauna.
Cade and myself
Cade stumblebumming down the road
Florida gar
This last pic is what I awoke to this morning, as our plane actually landed in a semi blizzard last night.