Well came back a day early ahead of a bad storm and a twenty degree drop in temps.Saw quite a few birds but could not get them to come into recurve range. Last sat.morn had two come into 30yds. and hang up and one behind my pop up which I never saw but heard directly behind and to the side of me.Not sure what the deal was I was using an Avian X decoy of a hen lookout. Really looks like a real hen. First time hunting spring birds, I am hooked man! Alotta fun calling to those suckers but kinda a bummer if they don't come in. Always next year if the Lord wills. Untill then I am going to bone up on my calling,maybe that was the deal. Allso didn't enjoy the ticks! What is a good repellant,deep wood off didn't get it. Thanks for all the encouragement. Gary.