A strip of leather. I kid you not. I've got quite big hands and I was always struggling to stop the string slapping against my forearm a little on my bow.
An experienced archer strolled by and told me the throat of my bow was too narrow for me. So I just hooked it into the crook of my thumb and tried a few shots like that.
Well obviously it was a little uncomfortable pulling 60 odd pounds that way but they flew straight as hell, and the only sound was the string leaving the tab and the arrow flight.
Huh, so I thought about building my handle up a bit. Unfortunatley when one has a pretty bow like I do it seems criminal to just go tie some handle bar wrappings around it.
Option B, good ol' fashioned cow. Here's how it turned out.

I just can't beleive what a massive difference such a small thing has made. Anyone else had any "light bulb" moments like that which has just changed everything?