If you want to hunt Nevada, it'll likely cost you a couple of years of buying a license and building up a preference point or two--at the minimum. The whole time I've hunted Nevada, I've only hunted one unit. Traditionally, it has been about a 1 in 3 odds of drawing the tag. Unfortunately, it has been in a steady decline in deer quality since 2005, too many rifle tags are being issued (too many tags in general, but the guns make the biggest dent in the population). In 2012 they doubled the amount of deer tags, they should have cut them IMO. Here is one for you...Last winter (2011-12) the F&W did a deer count. I don't remember the exact numbers, but it was about 8,500 deer counted on the winter range. If you figure (generously) 30% bucks= 3,160 bucks. They issued well over 4,000 tags. I'm not rocket scientist, but something tells me if you sell more tags than you have deer, you are going to be making a really big dent in the deer population. I've been hunting up there since the late 90's. It is an amazing area with good deer numbers (despite the over-harvesting), but the deer quality has dropped so greatly that I'm lucky to see a P&Y class buck on a trip. I used to see 20-30 P&Y class bucks in a week pre-2005! It is still a fun hunt with my stick because I am less concerned about the size of the antlers and more focused on whether I can get close to the buck or not. I F&W comes to their senses and sees what is happening to their herds and doesn't run it completely into the ground. Kind of a bleak report, but for what it is worth, I'll be putting in again this year. I guess I'm an addict....