I have hunted 4 of the 5 days. Heard birds everyday, had a close encounter with a jake. I have birds here they just are not talking much and for some reason not hitting the fields til around 730 or later. Nate and I sat this morning til 830ish and heard some early gobbles and than a late fly-down(6:15) we called very little but nothing. We walked out to look acrossed the road and there was a nice Tom and two jakes strutting and doing a little sparring. Big monster bird, I moved the blind about 10;30 so hopefully tomorrow morning is the day. My buddy Jughead took his first with a recurve(Samick Sage)giant bird, 23#s and 11.75" beard and at least 1.25" hooks. I will try and get him to join and post a pic. Those Sages are nice bows at any price, but $139 they are a great bow. Only problem I am hunting near the river with Nate, not my spots and the ticks are crazy!! Picked 22 off Friday and another 15 this am. The stripers are calling me right now, We have gotten a couple 40"ers and quite a few 32-36"ers as well. Any good ones Charlie?? Sorry for the long post but I am hunting birds that get no pressure and it is strange the way they are acting this year, calling from the roost and shutting up real quick, than coming in silent if they come at all. I know Curt saw a nice bird this am and heard some more. I got that one gobbling on the way out and that was 8:45, also went down back with the truck at 10 and saw 3 jakes and a Tom out back as well. Keep at it boys. I have hunted more this year than all of last yar already!! Have Fun!! Shawn