Now if you got a "Wal-Mart" in your area they have a set of two foam "Yoga" blocks that are around 4"x6"x9" long sold as a set for around $9.99 for the two...Mostly all I see is Purple,blue,or pinkish girly colors cause most men I know don't "YOGA' whatever that is?
But the foam feels exactly like the rinehart target and can be used to replace a bad area in the targets just cut with a hacksaw,bandsaw,handsaw,electric kitchen knife,sawz all,hatchet, or whatever you prefer and shape it with a sanding block ,rasp, bench sander,belt sander, hatchet, or whatever you got :D ...Some plumbers goop from Lowes or wal-mart will hold it "FOREVER' and waterproof....
Now you can make a few more of those quivers for your buddy's!
God Bless ,
Keefers <><