Moots: How fast do you figure your EagleWing double carbon Frontier 66" string follow shoots?
I honestly do not have a clue. but its faster than the single carbon.
It cut the stack from 350/. to .300 for 65 lbs and that is a true 66 in bow/ Its also a forward riser on top of being a string follow. So theoretically it has everything going against it.
However it gains in shootability and lack of thump or vibration associated with most D bows. So I made up for the loss of speed with a unique limb design and the addition of carbon.
In this case the double carbon is by request. I honestly thought it would not add much. Buttttt It added a lot. The .300 stack for a true 66 in longbow is just unbelieveable to me/ I expected to hit about 50 lbs with it and thought that was pushing it.
In contrast my first Frontier with single carbon had a stack of exactly .300 and it was 37 lb. This adds .020 carbon and gains 30 lb of draw weight. That is kind of mind boggling to me./To me it means the efficiency of the bow went way way up.
Tell you what, I am seriously falling in love with these string follow bows.
God bless you all, Steve