I have 5 Hill bows, 2 Wesley Specials, 2 Cheetahs, and a big 5. They are all very good bows, so there is no way to say which is actually the "best". My favorite is my first Wesley simply because it was my first ever custom ordered bow.
I like 68" bows as they seem to draw very smoothly. I have seen all the recommendations based on bow length as related to draw length, and it seems to make sense, but I just like the feel of the longer bows. I have about a 27" draw.
All of my Hill bows have bamboo cores. They are smooth, indeed, and I recommend bamboo, However, my next Hill will hopefully be a yew Redman.
Also, I prefer the straight or the dished grip. One of the Cheetahs has a locator grip but is not my favorite; however, the price was right.
Some of my bows have a gloss finish and others are more subdued. The gloss looks best to me, and a lot of things can be done to tone it down while hunting if that is an issue. Black Hill bows are beautiful!
When shooting a Hill bow, it is a natural fit to shoot wooden arrows. Good luck. I believe you will enjoy both the quality of the bow and the excellent customer service form Hill Archery.