At least, for this spring. This morning was the last day of the season; I have been trying to get a spring bird without a blind, doing some calling but mainly spot and stalk. I know of no better way to not fill a tag than by chasing turkeys in this manner. But, I have had a ball, and got within shotgun range of some gobblers, however that isn't bow range, at least for me.
Got out at first light this morning; the spring flowers are really starting to pop…
Trees are starting to bud out, and the land is waking from a long winter.
Still hunting, I saw lots of deer, antelope, and geese, but only one turkey, and he made an exit as I tried to put a stalk on him; one minute he was there, the next it was like the land swallowed him up. I never did figure out where he went, except out of my life.
I watched a few deer as they fed along in my direction, and had one get within easy bow range, still unknowing that the Boogie Man could have had her if it was in season. She fed to within about 15 yards, and when i told her "You're Dead!" she finally figured out that she was within range of a predator.
When she took off, she alerted a pair of sandhill cranes, which started their raucous calls. I had not noticed them until they sounded off, but they were only 50 yards from me. If you have not heard these noisy birds, here is your chance. Click on the picture…
So, another spring turkey season has come and gone, and I didn't score, but I definitely had a good time, and no time spent in pursuing critters is time wasted.