Congrats on the new bow. Your woodies are thicker than the carbons so if they're the same spine, they're going to act/shoot stiffer because the center of the arrow is further from the center of the bow. Fix is to shoot a softer spine or add a bit of weight to the woodies.
Are the carbons and woodies the same physical weight. If the woodies are heavier, one would expect them to shoot a little lower.
If that's not it, you may want to try raising your nock point a bit. Sounds counterintuitive, I know. However, if your nock point is on the low side to begin with, the thicker shaft will nock the arrow even lower, which usually makes the arrow shoot higher. Unless, the tail of the arrow is coming into contact with the riser as it leaves the bow, causing it to kick up, and the point down.
Good luck.