I am trying to select arrows using this darn chart from 3 rivers.
http://www.3riversarchery.com/pdf/ArrowCharts.pdf I'm shooting a 50" Martin Rebel. It's 35# at 26, but I draw just under 25"." So, I figure I am only pulling about 32#.
I would like to get aluminum or wood shaft that I can put adapters on so that I can use screw in points and add muzzys. But just can't figure out how to select the darn shafts!
My friend can fletch them for me, but is just getting started also so can't offer much help in this department.
Looking at this chart, I don't really find anything that lines up with my draw, peak pull, and 100 grain points (seems as light as they go). Where the x and y cross for my pull, 100 grain point, and draw length, are blank.
What's a girl to do? Does this mean, that by the wood arrow chart, for example, that I would need to have a 29" arrow in order to get the spine needed? Or, that I need to come up to 145 grain point for a 27" arrow? :confused:
I know there is a lot to do in order to get everything dialed in and perfectly tuned. At this point I really just want "workable".
Any input you all could provide would be much appreciated!