I got home this evening to find the longbow that I won on the St Judes auction the front porch, tweeked it, strung it and went out for my first shot out of a new to me bow at 15 yrds.... the pic says the rest.
Now normally it takes a bit more tweeking and a few more shots before I start to work as one with a new bow, but not this one, it simply put them where I was looking.
I shot several arrows after this one and all were in the boiler room.
Im sure there are a lot of factors that played into the way this ole bow shoots,....... but Id like to think that it absorbed a little good Mo-Jo from all the kids, as well as everyone at trad.gang for there hard work, donations and money that was raised in this great cause.
Good Mo-Jo?.....You betcha!!! For nothing but good can come from helping the kids, and the kids themselves.!!
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