Well, to end my Fathers day I took Gabe to a sweet stalking location. Gabe was set up with the video camera about 25 yds from me on a levee. He was hidden in the grass and watching for approaching hogs (He said he would be my "eyes"). I was set up on an overgrown dirt pile and we had a small pile of feed at the base of the pile. We spooked 2 small hogs off as we got to our spot.
The evening passed and it was go-time when the nice boar showed up. My "eyes" had failed me and I was now 5 yds from the boar we were hunting. I was kneeing in the grass waiting for the opportunity to get into position. The boar heard something upwind of us and turned to check it out. This gave me the opportunity to draw back and send an arrow into his chest. He bolted and died 25 yds later. It was awesome to be so close and to see Gabe's excitement. He stopped videoing because he didn't want the hog to see him.
We were fist pumping when I heard hooves beating the hard ground. 6 more pigs ran into the feed site. Now I'm laying on my back with pigs just a few yards away. I sat up and decided to take the shot because they were so close. I released the arrow and my bottom limb hit the dirt pile. My second arrow glanced off the back of my target and stuck into the backstrap of the hog next to him. I found the second arrow and there was only blood on the head with a chunk of meat on it so he will just have a 3 blade scar!
Gabe was some excited. We saw 10 hogs and got to share an awesome hunt! No better way to end a great weekend!