452X is a very small diameter string--not quite as small as 8190, but smaller than 8125. A LOT smaller that 450+ or even Dynaflight '97. 22 strands is a bit of overkill IMO, but it's not a rope--16, maybe 18, would be where I'd start...but whatever works. 10 or 12 strands of 452X would be a piano wire.
I don't think you'll be loosing a noticeable amount of performance with 22 strands--and who got into this side of the sport chasing speed anyway? I'm much more partial to quiet.
A little tinkering and tuning can go a long way with any bow. A friend got a new BW a couple of years ago--VERY nice bow, but with the factory string (14 strand Dynaflight '97, flemish, unpadded loops), and fairly tight nock fit, it was a bit noisy.
A little tuning, swapped out the string for a 12 strand Dynaflight '97 (loops padded to 18), served it for a proper nock fit...it was probably as quiet as any recurve I've ever been around, quieter than most. Think we put one small set of cat whiskers on it (small puff balls) for silencers, and we were done.
Haven't tried it specifically on a BW, but if I were to start tinkering with one today I'd start with 8190, 16-18 strands, loops padded to 22.