Lots to learn. Stick around here and the learning curve will be steep.
I suggest you get a book on the subject. There are many around, one I read and like that is perfect for newer folks is The Traditional Bowhunters Handbook, written by TJ Conrads, who by the way puts out Traditional Bowhunter magazine. It is a good start.
Also, check out this site's How to section. Lots of build alongs etc to see and learn from.
You can use vanes with any bow, however. . . they really are not so great on recurves or longbows that are shot off the shelf. They are not as flexible as feathers and so are not as forgiving when they make contact with the bow riser. As above, I recommend you use feathers in that case, likely three fletch 5" feathers to start.
When you release the arrow, it bends and squirms as it travels forward and the feathers WILL touch it, no matter what. If the feathers are stiff (as most vanes are), they could cause a disruption in the flight and make accuracy suffer as well as mask other flight issues.
Try to find someone nearby that has some experience in setting up a bow and building / tuning arrows. That would help a lot cause for every question we answer, you will develope ten more.
As Rob stated above, 60# is a lot of weight for a new shooter. Not saying you can't do it, but generally, that is a lot to learn on and you are not likely doing yourself a favor learning shooting technique with that one. As low as 40-45 is loads better for that task.
In the mean time. . keep asking.