Here's a chance to help someone else spend thier money!! Like many of you, I'm interested in a new recurve but can't put my hands on one so I guess I'm going to ask others their opinion. I'm looking for a recurve at 58" or 60". I have a 27" draw and would probably get the bow at about 50# at my draw length. I do not have very large hands - maybe a size M in gloves. I do not like fat, blocky grips. Rather I like a grip that I slide into, had a good thumb shelf, and not so thick that it leaves my fingers still pointing straight forward. I like my fingers to relax around the grip. Oddly, I rather like the stock medium grip on my ******** Titan.
I have been looking (online) at the following bows: a Robertson Fatal Styk, Leon Stewart recurve, or possibly a Tall Tines. I would be interested in anyone's hands-on experience particularly as it relates to the grip and the performance of the bows. Criticism is healthy so please say what you don't like as well as what you may like about the bows. If anyone has shot more than one of these bows that would be a bonus. Sure appreciate any thoughts anyone may have.