Depends on what the outfitter looks like I guess on spooning. But I use the same bug spray he uses and I throw my boots in his truck over night. Being in the bush all summer tending baits the guy is smoking, drinking coffee, running around hitting bait after bait all day getting stinky and the bears know his smell. The first time I hunted Ontario I tried to be Mr Clean, rubber boots, clothes in a plastic tub with cedar branches and all that. The outfitter walked me into my stand and he went to the bait bucket to fill it (nice frozen meat and bone block) and I climbed the stand. 1/2 hour later a bear comes walking down the trail we walked in on nose to the ground. She followed my "Mr Clean" track right to my tree and looked up at me. She could care less about the outfitters track. I've had that happen a dozen times since. Same thing with a themacell. I take one but only use it if I really need it because it smells different. Bug spray and a head net work for me. Lots of bears are killed by guys that don't worry about the smell they put out but I think it helps. That's just me.
I like the VPA's but the 200 gr ones because the blades are thicker. I bent two of the screw on 175's with thinner blades and don't use those anymore. The bear I killed this spring I shot with a 175gr Tigershark on a Grizzlystik and that's a nice head.
How many bait stands is the guy running and how many folks will be in camp? You should have at least two stands to hunt that have not had anyone sit them yet when you show up. If he has 10 hunters and only 10 stands, red flag.