I have had the opportunity to shoot a bunch of different bows from different bowyers and I can honestly say that none of them were what I would call bad. They all seemed pretty much the same to me, some might be a little prettier or a little faster or a little....whatever. That all changed this past weekend at Denton Hill! I was able to shoot some Striker bows by Rick Ellis. Wow is all I can say. Every bow I shot was quiet, smooth and my arrows looked like rockets taking off. I often heard guys on here talk about a bow that just "shoots where you point it" and I never knew what that was like til now. Anyway, I was so impressed I picked up a 58" Stinger that I fell in love with. Like I said earlier almost every bow that I've shot has been good, but I would encourage any of you to look at Striker bows if you're looking for another bow.