If your draw length is 27, your probably around 60 - 61#. Answer: your current arrow setup is 47- 52# spine. Figured 28" - 30.6" = 2.6 x 5 = 13 lbs. Your spine is approx. 47 - 52# (60# - 13# = 47#). This is light unless your using 100 grain, or less pt. wt. because your shooting around 60#. Is the bow a longbow, selfbow, or something similar?
Spine on wood is almost always on 26" centers, by AMO Standards. What is critical is the style of the bow, Longbow, R&D, recurve, the amount of center cut, weight of point, and the type of string.
Example: For a glass laminated Longbow, with a B50 string I would start:
60-65 with std string, 125 gr point.
if the arrow is weak (shoots left for a right hander) try a stiffer spine. if it is too stiff add pt. wt. 145 gr. or 160 gr.
Generally, add or subtract 5# in spine for every
1 inch difference in draw length above or below 28".
Starting with a Base 125 gr pt. then 5# per 25 Gr. in pt wt.
5 lbs for a Fast Flight string.
If your shooting an R&D, the starting wt is maybe 10 - 15# greater.
Several sponsors, Elite Arrow, 3 Rivers to mention a couple have info. on their website on this subject.