Guys...thanks for all the kind words about the video and this overall effort. It has taken up a great deal of my time over the past several months.
Terry Green....just so you know, I didn't put this up! (I have been waiting for word from our head guru here on trad-gang to get permission to post this)
At the end of the video there is a website. For many of your questions, the answers will be on's and such.
This video is a "tease" to get the viewer to check out the site. To put this in basic terms, our efforts here, and intentions, is to resurrect the historical intent and philosophies behind the original premise of bowhunting seasons. Too many folks, bowhunters or not, have forgotten WHY we do this. It's about joining back in to the discussion on every level....calling BS on hyped up claims about equipment, tactics, ethics...really anything we want to talk about. It will be done in a respectable, and largely objective show the world that there is and always was, another way that bowhunting is done. Our way.
Ultimately, yes, we need funds...a lot of them, and yes, we want to take this message outside of our comfort zones and right at the industry and the overhyped TV shows.
PBS and P&Y provided intitial funding to get this done. We have already received funds and pledges from all the northwestern states, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, and interest from S. Dakota. We haven't even begun to solicit them yet! This is needed, and wanted and is being well-received.
The website is still under construction, but there is a lot there so far....go ahead and check it out (link at the end of video).