With a month to go before open I decided to take the day off and build a couple of blinds in some new spots.
I found this blowdown in a likely spot, lot of sign, at the end of last season. Decided I could make something work out of it.
The nice thing about the area is all the small logs and limbs already laying around. Public ground so no cutting live stuff.
Starting on the perimeter.
Nice little hole with a good background to blend in with. Left 3 shooting lanes covering about 180 degrees.
Second blind I built today is a few hundred yards away by drainage that creates a funnel in and out of bunch of oaks.
Ended up filling this one in a bit more but camera battery was giving up on me.
Reminds me of being a kid building forts! Looking forward to getting in them this Fall.
Thanks for coming along and best of luck, Eric