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Author Topic: St. Jude Ohio hunt preview and updates  (Read 1201 times)

Offline Brian Halbleib

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Re: St. Jude Ohio hunt preview and updates
« Reply #40 on: November 08, 2013, 10:12:00 PM »
The St. Jude hunt came to an end yesterday, but don't feel too bad for Fred, he's off to Pike County, Illinois. But seriously it was a pleasure meeting Fred & Burton and sharing my place with them. The weather and deer were often uncooperative but I hope they enjoyed themselves regardless. At the end of the day, the St. Jude kids got a few extra necessary dollars and I made two new friends. Thanks to Tradgang for letting me be a part of it.

I'll leave you with a few more pics...deer coming around the corner just minutes after the decoy was set up


One of the many rubs left by the bucks who loved night time photos but hardly ever showed up much during hunting hours



Offline Jayrod

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Re: St. Jude Ohio hunt preview and updates
« Reply #41 on: November 09, 2013, 08:29:00 AM »
Nice pics Brian and great on st.judes
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Offline Hackbow

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Re: St. Jude Ohio hunt preview and updates
« Reply #42 on: November 10, 2013, 07:00:00 AM »
Brian and all,

Fred arrived in Pike County Friday night safe, happy and tired. I'll start another thread recounting his hunt here when I return to St. Louis tomorrow. The stars must be aligned because this is first time I've been able to get internet at farm this trip.

No shots yet, but several different bucks seen, including a big one Fred had just out of range last night that he said had stickers "all over". He was really excited and I think he may have zeroed-in on his target.

Offline wayoutwest

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Re: St. Jude Ohio hunt preview and updates
« Reply #43 on: November 15, 2013, 07:53:00 PM »
Any updates?

Offline Greyfox54

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Re: St. Jude Ohio hunt preview and updates
« Reply #44 on: November 18, 2013, 07:22:00 PM »
First let me start out by thanking Brian for the oppertunity to hunt his land . Beautiful country all around . Good deer sign but little if any movement during daylight hours . Heavy rain the first few days put a damper on things .Brian was getting trail cam pics at night but not during the day . Burton seen a couple does and a small 8 pointer at dusk along the edge of the bean field . I noticed tracks every morning heading west but notracks made during daytime . I opted to hunt the rear of the property around a large weedfield which was surrounded by tall timber .I sat in 2 of his stands but didn't see any action so I tried rattling at the crack of dawn when sound really carries and the deer are usually still up . After an hour I tried grunting and later some doe bleats . After 3 days with no response I set up a ground blind after checking out the ariel photo of Brian's place. I picked a spot where a large tract of timber funneled into his property along what I think is the NW corner .  I set then blind about 15 yards from the trail and had it tucked in some amongst some small trees and tall weeds . The trail was being used pretty regular . The tracks were heading south but there were a couple rubbed trees showing that at least one buck was heading north. The timber was to the north and the bean field was to the south .On either side of this corridoor the ground was lower and very wet , some places almost over my 12" boots so it was looking really good . First night I saw nothing and I was back in the blind before first light hoping to catch some deer coming back late from the beans , no luck . Next afternoon the wind was good so I sat there again .A decent buck came by east to west just out of range on a trail I wasn't expecting any action on .  I waited for him to get a ways off before I grunted when 2 does came up the trail from the south and fed to within about 5 yards of the blind . I figured the buck would come over to check them out but he just looked back once and headed off , the 2 does fed slowly along and I figured I had the best decoys in the woods but nothing else showed up . Next day I cut out a small shooting lane to the trail the buck used and made a mock scrape at the intersection of the trails . Next afternoon the wind blew wrong so I sat another ground blind I made by tucking a stool inside of heavy cover along the weed field  overlooking a mineral lick and scrape but saw nothing . I went back to the first ground blind next day and found my mock scrape worked over and another scrape made about 10 feet way ! I had high hopes but it rained again and the ground being so wet the water had no where to drain and I found the scrapes had about 2 inches of water in them . I felt I hunted hard but things just didn't work out , Brian did a great job of planning the hunt but not everything is under anyone's control . That's why it's called "hunting" not "shooting" I had a great time hunting with some great guys in some of the prettiest country with a chance to bag a Ohio Giant . It doesn't get much better then that . I look forward to bidding on this hunt again if it's offered , I big thanks to Brian and good luck with his farm . And it was a pleasure meeting and spending time with Burton and I wish him the best luck with his new property . Even though the kids are the big winners from these hunts I really think I made out big time , thanks to all involved , Fred

Offline dpg

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Re: St. Jude Ohio hunt preview and updates
« Reply #45 on: November 19, 2013, 05:18:00 PM »
Any updates on the Pike County hunt Fred?

Offline Greyfox54

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Re: St. Jude Ohio hunt preview and updates
« Reply #46 on: November 19, 2013, 07:51:00 PM »
Don not to steal Brian's thread I had a great time ! First 3 days I saw several bucks following small does , I think the mature does were all bred . The bucks all looked exhausted . 4th day the weather changed and I woke up to 17 degrees and 25-30 mph winds . Hard time staying on stand , I thought it got cold here in Jersey but the wind with the open fields was almost unbearable . Next morning warmed up to 19 with steady winds again and a covering of snow . I got in my stand before daylight and by 10am I was frozen . I walked to another stand and stuck it out for 2 more hours . I decided to go back to the trailer and get some food in me but on the way back I remembered the field south of the pond had a ridgeline where I had seen a nice buck crossing so I decided to check it out . Moving along the south edge of the field I came to a small rise in the ground and I stopped about 25-30 yards below it and was looking things over plotting my next move when a small doe came runing over the hill .I could see antlers behind her so I quickly dropped to my knees in the wet snow and spread myself as flat as possible . The doe stopped at the top of the  rise and then bolted into the woods , the buck came up to where she stopped and he hesitated long enough for me to get a shot off . He had a nice rack with sticker points . All I can say he looked so big I thought he was closer than he really was and I shot under him , in the tall grass I thought I may have hit him low . I went back to the trailer and met up with Darren's father , John, told him the story and together we went back and looked but found nothing , the arrow is probably buried in the tall grass and with the sparse snow cover I could easily follow the tracks for a 100 yards or so with no blood .Next day was the power bar incident and the deer activity dropped off pretty quick .

Offline dpg

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Re: St. Jude Ohio hunt preview and updates
« Reply #47 on: November 20, 2013, 01:16:00 PM »
Thanks Fred.  Sounds like tough conditions.

Offline Brian Halbleib

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Re: St. Jude Ohio hunt preview and updates
« Reply #48 on: November 22, 2013, 10:19:00 AM »
Thanks again Fred, the weather and deer were not very kind to you. But it's been the same story from everyone I talked to around here, high winds, low deer sightings and rain. I think that hunter we talked to at the motel made a good point about the corn.

That huge corn field across the street was still not harvested as of yesterday. It's just been too wet. They took the beans off my place but left a heck of a mess of ruts from the ground being so soft.

The deer have been on their feet during the day a good bit since Veterans Day and I passed a couple more 2-1/2 year olds and some does. Still have not seen any of the bigger bucks while on stand. Looking like another spread out, low intensity rut.

Few more pics, sorry some of them shaky cell phone photos:




Offline Greyfox54

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Re: St. Jude Ohio hunt preview and updates
« Reply #49 on: November 22, 2013, 05:54:00 PM »
Thank You Brian ! It was a great oppertunity in a great place ! Your land has a lot of potential , best of luck with it . I will be watching the auction again for this hunt , Fred

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