What is your draw length?
The type broadheads you describe are available from 190 grs to 300 grs as glue ins.From there you can adjust the weight with aluminum,titanium or steel adapters,so the combinations give you a lot of different point weights to choose from.Couple that with aluminum inserts about 15 grs or brass 50 and 100 grs and total front end weight is almost limitless.
Regarding field points,the same goes.You can come up with any custom weight you want by combining glue on points with adapters.You can further fine tune the weights by adding a few lead shot inside the adapter or point ferrule.If you are worried about glueing the points on the adapters,aligning etc,that is simple too,if you want it to be.
If you want to keep arrows down to close to 650 grs,forget wood grain.That adds 30 grs or so.My bows are cut to center and 50-53 3's.I can make a 650 gr arrow by using Victory V Force HV .350's,30" long,100 gr insert and 325 gr point,FOC 32%.That shaft is 6.7 GPI.Anything heavier and you won't hit be able to keep it down to 650 grs.
A 30" Gold Tip 7595 with a 100 gr insert and 300 gr point/adapter makes about a 700 gr arrow,27% FOC.Coincidentally,I can shoot these two different weight arrows side by side and without thinking about it,they hit at the same point of impact out to 25 yds.The weight difference doesn't make a noticeable difference.
If you bow center cut is different,you will get slightly different results.