I have a stand that I need to thin my does out. In the past, I have been picked out in this area. I admit, I have spent to much time there. This year I changed trees and because it was a large oak that lacked cover, I began to think about adding brush holders. One idea came from a post by The Gate Keeper. PVC with holes is attached to the tree and brush is added. I also have been making bow holders with an ameristep tree step and some square tubing from lowes. I make the brush holders the same way. I heat the end of the tree step and hammer it straight so it fits down the square tubing. I will try to post a pic of the bow holder before painting and you can see the heat marks on the steel. That way, the bow hangs above in front of me. The brush holders are made the same way. I put two in the tree below my stand shaped in a V formation to cover my stand and body outline from below. I attach oak branches to each holder with zip ties.