"The Apple Tree"
Opposite the apple tree I sit
The squirrels above throw a fit
For intruding upon their quiet space
While I hunt this lonely place
Early morning is where I found
As I slipped in without a sound
The many tracks of deer I see
Surrounding the single apple tree
There lay several of the fruit about
Some half eaten so, I had no doubt
A returning of the deer to see
This free meal of the apple tree
Looking around I found a spot
For my longbow and I to sit and plot
And come up with a strategy
Waiting and waiting patiently
So, opposite the apple tree I sit
The squirrels no longer throw a fit
A quiet evening has fallen to see
Not a single deer to the apple tree
Then of a sudden I hear the sound
Soft hoof falls on the air abound
And like magic they do appear
A very small gathering of black tail deer
Unaware they munch happily
The delicate fruit of the apple tree
While a predator amidst there wake
Plots with longbow his shot to take
Quickly but slowly through time and space
The cedar shaft to its mark did race
And found nothing even I could see
The empty clearing 'neath the apple tree.....TW