We have a lot of Cedar here in Texas. I will cut several green boughs, then twist, bend, break, and rub them between my hands to release the oils. I then throw them in a kettle of boiling water. I let the pot sit in the garage overnight, then reboil the mixture the next day. Once the mix has cooled, I strain it into spray bottles. It does a great job and lasts well over a year. The odor is strong enough to permeate the plastic bottle, so I store one bottle in the plastic tub with my hunting clothes and another in my backpack....only needing to spray it on the clothing after a few hours or when odors/sweat build up.
Just before Christmas last year I was in a ground blind on top of a bluff. The wind shifted and I started to think about gathering my things to change locations. Before I could get myself out of there the feeder went off and within minutes 7 deer came running in. The wind was blowing directly from me to them and I watched them feed for well over 15 minutes with no shot opportunity ever presented. They walked off in a direction where they had ample opportunity to smell me with each step they took, and they never knew I was there. Moral is that you don't have to "burn" local flora to get the benefit of it as cover scent.....and you can make it more portable.