Every one of my ground blinds at my lease has mesh in the windows. I have shot a ton of critters thru the mesh. I have only encountered two bad things about the mesh:
1) Do not shoot at an extreme angle to the mesh. The fletching can catch the netting and throw off your shot. You do not have to be perfectly perpendicular, just no REAL HARD angles.
2) You have to be careful about how you set your blind. If you end up facing the sun, there will be a time when you cannot see for squat from the glare on the netting.
I have learned these things from experience and now have no problems because I know how to get things right. I also believe the advantages of the netting outweigh the negatives. That is why it is in every blind I have.
I also use a string tracker and shoot thru the netting and it works great. I just found out you could do this last year so I have only shot a couple critters with the string tracker thru the netting, but it works great.
One more thing; if you are going to put the netting in your blind, then practice out of it a bit. The netting can mess with your depth perception if you are not used to it. No different than you should practice out of an elevated position if you are going to hunt from a treestand.