I had at least six chances at herd bulls this year, and three of them once in a lifetime animals. Red Antler, the massive Ghost Bull and Traveler were all animals that got your heart into redline.
I saw some amazing things, and even had to fend off a bull moose that stalked me into some black timber. At 10 yrds he still wouldn't take no for an answer, until I chucked a forearm sized stick of wood into his snoot.
I saw bear tracks, two pine martins, a fox family, bunches of mule deer and heard a lot of bugles. I am thankful to be able to walk this earth and climb the high peaks of the back country. I am fortunate to have something to love that is so vast it always seems to be able to absorb whatever cares I have, dust them clean and fill ny batteries again for what ever may come.
I urge you to protect our wild places by being a steward of the lands you hunt. Pass on to the next hunter a clean, untouched hallowed ground.