Lots of talk lately about flashlights and headlamps. Also got a few pms and a few emails asking about different bulb colors.
Here are a couple pics i took with my phone that are unedited. I have 2 exact same flashlights one in cool white (most leds are like this with the blue tint) and one in neutral white (warmer more yellow color). Both flashlights are eagletac single cell d25c clicky lights. the pics are on medium mode so that it doesnt washout or be too bright, i wanted you to see the color differences. most companies offer lights in either cool white or netural white. for us as hunters the netural white is the light we want to go with now. The last few years netural white was not that great and was too green. most manufactures go the color down perfect now.
the two exact same lights. eagletac single cell d25c clickys. key chain light is cool white, headlamp clamp light is netural white.
cool white on medium mode indoors.
neutral white on medium mode indoors.
cool white medium mode outdoors
neutral white medium mode outdoors.
as you can see the neutral white has a much more pleasing color for detail rendering. it will also be better for blood trailing. how much better i dont know yet as i havent bloodtrailed with a netural white yet. the cool white works great and i never had a problem with them in all the years i have been using them. But i think now that the colors are spot on with the neturals they will be better for us. thought i would show some pics for you to see the difference for yourselves.