Originally posted by The-Talon:
Hey everyone been browsing for awhile decided to finally make my first post. It's a question really.. In my area Outskirts of Toronto Canada.. There are no places that cater to Traditional archery or anything besides crossbows, compound bows or guns. I have tried a few different spines of arrows and from various materials.. Carbon, wood, Aluminum.. I really like the durability of carbon but I love the look and feel of wood arrows with my longbow.
If you feel up to it, you could take a trip to the other side of the lake and visit with us for an evening. There is a group of us that go to a local archery shop on Fridays that caters to both types of archery equipment. Fridays seems to be taken over by the traditional guys for the most part. Anyway, we have a bunch of different arrows that you could try and if you let me know you are coming I can bring along several wood spines for you to shoot to see what works best for you.
I will say that finding the perfect arrow, spine, length, weight, is a long process and one that shouldn't be taken too lightly. Enjoy the process.