Well after a long archery career and second pacemaker and Lazer Prorate surgery the archery scene was losing a bit of its luster .
Then a younger couple ( anyone younger than 74 LOL) showed up at our local archery night . Upon introductions I realised I met Jeff and his Dad met 30 years ago while bowhunting for WT . On top of that Jeff was using a compound bow that I sold him 25 years ago . His wife had just started archery and had a two weeks compound .
To get to the point these two with some urging reluctantly tried out the clubs youth long bows . Done , Toast , these two shoot every day and coupled with their three months of enthusiasum has resulted in 3-D contender status for both of them.
Well some of the enthusisum has rubbed off on to me . Their joy and banter has perked up those fires in the belly that dimmed down over the years and realy am on a second career .
I did not know at that time Jeff makes custom knives as a hobby . Being a bit of a big kid he and his wife blurted out that they want to make me a special knife . I`m absolutly floored with the offer and will feature it when compleated .
His web site is
WWW.Speartipknives.com There is so much truth in that when One shares , One receives ...
Cheers from the Country that has everything except the Stanle Cup....