I just got a flextone that does fawn to old buck sounds. sounds nice. I call off an on and will blind call. I hunt some thick stuff. calling has worked to bring in something or they ignore me, but I usually don't spook something off with it unless I get busted, and they figure out where I am and it is not a deer calling.
I don't use a dominant buck call unless I see one because we have almost none around. I use a young buck mixed with doe and estrous doe when the time is right. That will bring in most bucks.
I have seen some reluctance for bucks to come to an estrous call. Seems maybe that is getting overdone by hunters. Most times when it work, they come back later to circle around and check me out. Most of the time when I use it now, the buck looks my way and then wonders off. But, I set tight for a long while waiting them out. If they don't' find anything where they head off to, they often come back looking.