just some advice but back in the day I noticed that a wood arrow spined exactly the same as an aluminum arrow did not come off the bow as good as the aluminum arrow. I forget the point weights I had but when I shot 2018's out of a 53# preditor I changed over to woods and only 11/32 54lb spine would work with 125 grain points so 55/60 but where my bow was more center shot I even shot 50/55 leaning more towards 55lb spine shot perfect (27 1/2" draw using a 28 1/2" BOP arrow) .....
I noticed with woods I had to pay more attention to the flight of the broadheaded arrows over the fieldpoints,,,,, once the arrows with broadheads came off the bow quiet (weak you'll hear a knock) and straight with no nock kick and hit where I was looking I stayed there,, think I had to raise the string nock a bit too changing to woods.
I'm sure 23/64's will be different,, even so heavy 5/16's if you can find them.
just my experience but good luck.