Braveheart, I spined her so it only went in that far. The head was undamaged after hitting bone. My follow-up arrows were deflected, and I had to subdue her with my heavy brass-headed walking cane and knife. Beaned her and cut her throat. It was a Battle Royale! No video, thank goodness! : ) I asked the processor to save the head for me (to see what kind of damage the cane did), and got a funny call back from them. "But it's a doe," the lady said.
Last year I penetrated a button almost full length with a three-blade, but it wasn't a Snuffer. I have no doubts it will pass through on a double-lung shot. I rarely use anything else, and that 40# bow shoots the same arrows as my #57 Torges self bow, so the energy put out is similar. Plenty moxie.