A long time ago on a very windy day, (to windy to be in a tree stand), I was introduced to cutting rows of a standing corn field. Me and 2 other bowhunters decided to space out about 50 yards apart along a standing corn field. The guy at the end entered the corn field first, 4-5 minutes later the second guy entered, followed by me following 4-5 minutes later. We would stick our heads through the rows and look in either direction before taking a step into that row. We gradually made it to the other side and shifted down 50 yards from where the first guy entered. To be honest with you, after I was half way through the standing corn field on my second trip, I was starting have my doubts. But at that very moment I was nearly ran over by several deer!! After calming down, I noticed that there was a good amount of blood on the corn about 15 yards ahead of me?? The middle man nailed a decent size 8 pointer that was bedded down in the corn at about 18 yards!! Even though I have tried this technic several times since then, I have never connected. But I know it works on those windy dry days.