Rifle/deer season is 9 days from over here in my area of Wyoming. It'd been two years since I'd been able to hunt a season and it's not been too bad. Be honest I nearly burned myself out hunting basically 15-20 days straight.
Another season with a rifle reminded me why I like bowhunting so much: Carryin' a lunk of metal around is a mild hassle and you can't take advantage of those adrenaline-filled moments of flushing grouse, rabbits, etc. without spooking every deer a mile away. I'll always hunt with whatever I feel like that day but, man...the bow just feels good. always.
Until the 10th, private land such as the ranch I work on is open for deer. I'm excited to go after the whitetails on the property because even my rookie self can get within range if I try hard. It's gonna feel good to have a curved piece of wood in my hand again.
I know I'm preachin' t0 the choir here, but I figure y'all can empathize with this excitement. Good luck to you, whatever you may be chasing.