You can shoot right off the wooden shelf if you wish... However, there are a few minor issues with that. 1) you might bugger the finish. Todays finishes are very tough, but is IS a slight posibility. 2) When you install a rest & side plate, it will be about an 1/8" higher than your shelf. If you put a nocking point on the string, you will have to raise it about an 1/8" as well. 3) without a rest of some sort,you have no cushion for your arrow. It could cause some squirrely arrow flight... At the least, it will be noisier.
All that being said, I shot old recurves as a kid many times(and quite a few after I "grew up") right off the wooden shelf, and NEVER damaged a single bow!!! However, a quick trip to about any local store, and you can pick up some peel&stick Velcro. Use the fuzzy side, and put a piece on your shelf, and another piece for a side plate. You'll be temporarily in business, and you probly won't even have to move your nock point at all.
Good Luck!!!! and Welcome to the Gang!!!!