Someone asked me how I secure the brush around the stand so I thought I'd post my response here.
Many times I can just stuff the branches in the structure at the back of the stand or around the platform. Other times it takes a zip tie or some cheap electrical tape to help hold things in place. I'll also wrap a couple tarp bungies around the tree and push the branch under that. I've also used screw in bow hooks, steps or the garage tool hanging things to give me something to attach the branch to. I read where somebody used a tool holder that fit around a paint bucket and put the branches in the tool pockets. Sounded like a good idea, but I haven't tried it yet. On some of my ladder stands I will cut a piece of burlap 2'x6' and wrap it around the frame between the platform and seat, holding it with zip ties to help cover up foot and leg movement. Leave some slack in the burlap; it shrinks in the rain.
I find a little brushing in really helps keep me from being busted in the stand. A roll of cheap vinyl electrical tape is really handy in the woods and I keep a roll in my pack. I buy it in a 10 pack from Harbor Freight.
Good Luck! Rick