Today my buddy Kenny aka "Cobweb" went to the Fulton archery range to do some side by side testing of JD Berry's Vixen (The Amazon Lady) and the Northstar (The Amazon Queen)
My test pilot..."Cobweb"!!
Cobweb and "The Amazon Lady".
next, here's Ken and "The Amazon Queen"
When I asked Cobweb what his thoughts were he said.."it's kind of like the difference between kissing a homely redhead or blonde. They're just about the same if you close your eyes or put a bag over their heads."
He also said he like the Northstar best because of how smooth it drew but said he shot the Vixen better.
I asked him if he knew why that was, he said it was because of the difference in the strings.
I told him the strings were identical... he
I shot both of them and still am still partial to "The Amazon Queen"
Someone asked me if I had to pick one bow what would I pick.
My answer was every bowhunter needs a minimum of two bows. One as his "Go to bow" and another as his backup bow.
So my "Go to" would be the "Queen" and my backup would be the "Amazon Lady".
Thanks for looking
God bless,Mudd